
application attracts attention

you are getting ready for your wedding. you carefully select and assemble your various bridal accoutrements. you make your choices based on your likes and your soon-to-be spouse's likes. you apply your personal effects deliberately and diligently...because you want to get his/her attention.

you get your dream job because you sold yourself well in your cover letter and résumé. you were exactly what they were looking for and you stood out from among the rest of the applicants. you got the job because your application got your employer's attention.

you get noticed by your community because you did something noteworthy and of merit that deserves credit, a special mention, an award. you get recognition because how you applied yourself caught someone's eye.

these are just some examples of attracting attention because of application.

now, not every blog is going to have a biblical bent or spiritual slant, but my short and sweet point--which will invariably be recurring, since it's where my head is these days--is that we can also get God's attention when we apply ourselves--both positively and negatively. and let me just add that not applying ourselves also gets his attention. remember the proverbial saying "actions speak louder than words?" well, i think our non-action speaks pretty loudly too. by extension, remember that your application and non-application speaks loudly.

anyway, back to my point: the bible is full of instances where God basically states that if we will, he will. the inverse is true: if we won't, he won't. he waits for us to give him something to work with. consider these verses: 

"if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, i will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to every prayer made." 2 chronicles 7:14-15
"if you will fully obey...and keep all his commands...God will set you high...the Lord will conquer your enemies...the Lord will guarantee a blessing on everything you do...the Lord will establish you...the Lord will give you prosperity...the Lord will send rain at the proper time...the Lord will make you the head and not the tail, and you will always be on top and never at the bottom." deuteronomy 28:1-14

it's basic "cause and effect," "action-reaction," the "ripple effect." and the principle is simple: when we apply ourselves we get results. keeping it spiritual, here are a couple examples. isaiah puts it this way: the Lord must wait for you to come to him so he can show you his love and compassion" (30:18). matthew says this: "if you refuse to forgive others, your father will not forgive your sins" (6:15). bottom line, if we will, he will; if we won't, he won't.

i don't know about you, but i want to get God's attention in a way that pleases him. i want to apply myself in ways that make me shine and stand out...not so that i can get the praise and recognition, but for this reason: "let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly father" (matthew 5:16). when we apply ourselves--when we "do"--it benefits, us, others, and God!

with my church family, at the start of this new year and new decade, i am attempting to do the following (i'm doing it to get God's attention; you can do it for whatever reason you need...check out www.everydayccc.com): enlist and get involved everyday; voice my prayer and worship everyday; extend and reach out everyday; read the bible everyday; and, yield my time, talent, and treasure everyday. i invite and encourage you to do the same. and like the verse on the calendar indicates, if we will put ourselves out there, God will help us, because if we will, he will...

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