
"an open letter"

i just finished reading "dark like mine" and "badbanana". to have a better sense where my thoughts are coming from, you might want to read 'em :-)

what follows is what both posts said to me personally...

both of the above blog entries reminded me of all the times i forget who i profess to be and, by my actions or inaction, project a poor image of God and quite possibly leave people with a bad impression of Him, or no impression of Him...which is just as bad...because who you represent should be clear, and it should be good.

all too often i forget that my life's an open book...ever heard the expression "an open letter?" one of the features of the open letter is that it's intended to be brought to public attention. well, newsflash: "your lives are a letter...everyone can read it...clearly, you are a letter from Christ...this 'letter' is written not with pen and ink, but with the Spirit of the living God. it is carved not on tablets of stone, but on human hearts" (2 cor. 3:2-3 nlt). like my fellow blogger friend states, i might be the only bible someone ever reads. i don't want to misrepresent.

even when i'm not feeling particularly spiritual, which is often because i'm a human being not an angelic one :-), these posts reminded me that i might be someone's first and/or last point of contact with Christ. i need to make sure i've left them with some good reading material...something good to chew on that will make them want more. this might mean actually giving an answer to someone about the hope i say i have, since this is what we're supposed to be prepared to do anyway, according to 1 peter 3:15. or, it might be just smiling in traffic and letting someone out ahead of me...or showing myself friendly by holding open a door for an oblivious teenager...or telling the weary cashier she's doing a good job...or letting the dad with crying kids at mcdonald's go first...

be reminded you're an open letter..."known and read by everyone" (2 cor. 3:2 ncv). let's not disappoint.



  1. :o) This makes me smile <--- because I made you think :o)

  2. a great reminder for all.


post your point-of-view here!

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"stewart" suite--a bit about me

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here, there, everywhere, Canada
blogger, cancer fighter, cbc-er, cleaner, daughter, doer, dog lover, iphone lover, ipod updater, leukemia fighter, listener, loner, organizer, reader, road tripper, sharer, singer, sister, surfer, texter, thinker, watcher, writer, worker

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