
just a thought...

just a thought...or 2...or a few...

yoda: try not. do...or do not. there is no try.
luke: i don't, i don't believe it.
yoda: that is why u fail.

and a yoda paraphrase..."don't end your training...don't choose the quick and easy path"

there might be something to this :-)

"whatever presents itself for you to do, do it (with all your might)" (ecclesiastes 9:10).

to paraphrase Jesus..."so in everything, do...the easy path [ie: not doing] leads to destruction...do, ask, seek, knock...just do!!!" (matthew 7)

don't just try! do!

"what do you mean, 'if i can?'" Jesus asked. "anything is possible if a person believes" (mark 9:23).

so, just do it! (thanks, nike)

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