
get to it

an important message is captured and conveyed in this 2011 marmaduke comic. and it's a simple one: people...and pets :-) are counting on me. note to self: don't let them down. 

there's a song on the airwaves and the chorus goes like this: "you can count on me like 1, 2, 3. i'll be there, and i know when i need it i can count on you like 4, 3, 2, and you'll be there 'cause that's what friends are supposed to do."

it's true. the people in my life--family, friends, co-workers, acquaintances, even random people who cross my path--are depending on me in one way or another. i need to make sure i get to the part about them...in prayer, yes...but also in everyday life. 

the way i see it, i need to be available. to be someone who can be leaned on. i need to be there. or be square. that expression refers to the person who is not cool or in, and is therefore square...square because they're not there. in other words, be part of the scene or the action, or you just ain't cool. and if you aren't there for people, you aren't all that cool either.

so get to it. they're waiting. 

1 comment:

  1. Very well put. There are many of us that need to "get to it". I'm a procrastinater so I lag far behind at "getting to it".
    You have such a way with words and I like read your blogs.
    B.Jean ;)


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